To-ugers kursus for kandidatstuderende i forskningsmetodik: How to write and publish a research paper
Kurset udbydes som kombineret valgfag/Summer University på 5 ECTS-point fra den 2. juli til den 13. august 2020
The course will focus on teaching the participants how to write and publish a research paper. During the course, the participants will spend significant time improving draft manuscripts. These drafts will be discussed in detail during workshop sessions. During the course, there will be several inspirational lectures given by the faculty or invited guests. Some of the themes of the lectures will be as follows:
- Getting started
- Framing a manuscript
- Ethical aspects of publishing
- Writing good cover letters, abstracts and appeals
- Choosing a target journal
- How to peer-review manuscripts
- Nurture your publications
Info about the contents of the course is available through the course catalogue of Aarhus University.
Academic prerequisites
You must have obtained a bachelor degree within health sciences (e.g. medicine, public health, dentistry, sport science).
Furthermore, the applicants are required to have produced a draft manuscript based on their own scientific work prior to the initiation of the course. This could for instance be a Bachelor’s assignment based on a scientific method (e.g. a study of original data or a systematic review) or a manuscript under preparation based on research conducted as part of a research year or spare time research activities. This draft manuscript must be sent to the course leader ahead of the course.
Responsible for the course
Professor Søren Dinesen Østergaard MD, PhD
Department of Affective Disorders, Psychiatry
Aarhus University Hospital
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 175
8200 Aarhus N
Phone: +45 61282753
Alexander er medicinstuderende på 10. semester og har været forskningsaktiv på Hjerte-, Lunge-, Karkirurgisk afdeling, Aarhus Universitetshospital siden april 2016.
Han har været medlem af SMS siden 2017.